Sunday, 8 February 2015

Did You Forget Something?

I love it when every other Sunday rolls around. It means I get to head out of the house and play toy soldiers with a group of other like minded fools. This Sunday was going to be no different.

With a reasonably moderate turn-out by TCOW standards with about a dozen of us hitting the tables. This didn't stop us from having 5 systems being played though! A couple of games of Warmahordes, a game of Kings of War and one of Flames of War. Francis FINALLY got his Myth Kickstarter (we're not mentioning any other ones) so took Damian and Gav through a test run.

I didn't get too much of a chance to have a look over the game, but by all accounts the mechanics are pretty good and its a bit of fun. I'd say it will see another appearance at TCOW.

Now, it isn't often that I (as the perpetual n00b) gets to school anyone on how to play a game, but that's the position I found myself in. Dan wanted to finally have a run with his SAGA war band and learn the rules and with me having had about a half dozen games, gladly obliged. My Saxon's were ready to take on the Christian Orders....and Brave Sir Robin.
So, we set-up for a Clash of Warlords battle and diced off for deployment....

The rules of SAGA are very clear what happens in this situation. The player with the most impressive facial hair wins ties....

I didn't really note down too much of the action but Dan did find out that Saxon levies aren't too bad when it comes to battle...and shooting. Eventually it came down to a Warlord v. Warlord fight. Arthur, King of the Britons vs. Lord Sir Lemmy. With Arthur's retainers already on their way back to Camelot he just couldn't take the punishment Lemmy dealt....VICTORY TO THE SAXONS!

Photos of the battle as I remembered to capture it here:

The battle lines are drawn!
The Knights thunder in....
And Saxon slings halve their number!
Arthur and the Knights mount the hill...

And the melee is met!

VICTORY! Saxon Time!
And with that, Dan's first game came to an end with his Knights broken and his false king dead. The Saxons reign supreme!

So, with other games wrapping up we wandered over to watch the final throes over Andrew M and Monkey's Warmahordes game. Very few models left on the table it was coming down to those final important dice rolls. With Monkey's Caster left on 1 health and Andrew poised to attack, boosted no less, he rolls....

So with the terrain packed away and the toys in their boxes, we finished our conversations when Andrew H piped up and said..."Where's Gav? He's my ride?"...

Oh, how we laughed....even more when, luckily for Andrew, Gav pulled back into the car-park!

And that's TCOW for another fortnight....

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