Sunday, 24 September 2017

Sometimes, there is no 40k.... - Club Meeting 24 September

Well, ok, we might have played more 40K as well. There's an awesome tournament coming up, can you blame us?!

But there was more than just 40K happening at TCOW this week, much much more! In fact, if you count Star Wars: Destiny as a system (and I know I do) then we had a total of 5 systems being played this week.

We had some itty-bitty city action as Dave and Nice Damian played some Dropzone Commander amongst the sprawl of Ogdenville (or was it North Haverbrook?)...

It was Dave's Shaltari taking on Damian's Resistance.

I'm not 100% sure who won this one? Possibly Lyle Langley...

Gav and Mike played some Flames of War, Late War V4 by the looks of what was going on...

Russian steel, on the move....

Monkey and I played some Bolt Action, with the pride of the German forces, my SS, taking on a bunch of old men....this should be a piece of pumpernickel! 

Preliminary bombardments definitely did the trick...

I can't remember the result of this one for some reason.....

And yes, alright, there was 40k as well. Darren walked a new gamer through an intro game. Darren took Drew Carey against the new guys (I didn't get your name dude, sorry) Tau. I have a feeling Darren took cheaty dice.

And then Darren and I managed a quick 1,000 point game. I took some Marine tanks and he took the cheaty Drew Carey again...

Funny thing...I can't remember the result of this one either? Dark Lances suck though...

Don't forget...

You bring 900 points and you get a buddy each game...

Head over to the club Facebook for deets of the event. It's gonna be...

Monday, 18 September 2017

INVASION! A Photo Report from GuardCon 2017.

This weekend past was GuardCon weekend and a contingent of TCOW members headed over to the Auckland Bridge club to play in the 40k Doubles tournament. There were 40 teams all told for the weekend and so pretty awesome painting! 4 TCOW teams in total:

Daryl and Faizal: A Chaos combo with Nurgle and Khorne joining forces.
Dave and Glen: Kharn and his World Eaters teaming up with Drew Carey.
Monkey and I: The Blues Brothers; the DKoK and the Ultramarines.
Dan and Damo: J R Ewing-bot and Old One Eye.

We had an absolute blast, made some new friends and saw some shit..shit that cant be unseen man.....

Here's a heap of photos from the weekend but beforehand, I really must apologise to Faiz and Big D for fucking up one of my rules and snaking them out of a draw. Mea culpa boys.....

Oh yeah, and we helped make the event happen as well with 9 table of terrain provided by TCOW alums. Nice work boys!

Wubba Lubba Wobots!

And their bug mates...

Right before my turn 1 Vindicator kill. Hellblasters yo!

"How the fuck do I kill a Primarch....?"


There were some seriously beautifully painted armies on the day (and some pretty standard jobs as well). I tried to get as many shots as I could...

Monkey's Death Korps of Kreig

My Smurfs

Stan's Guard.

Bartosh and his Elf mate....

Magnus 1...

Big D's Defilers....

A Bug's Life...

Not-so-Disco 'Crons.

Dan's Bugs.

Oonst, oonst, oonst....

The Monolith has fucking LED's!

Girlyman and posse....

Not a display base....

Dave's World Eaters.

Glen's Drew Carey.

And now, back to the action!

Monkey and I were "lucky" enough to get to play Damo and Dan on Day 2.

Genestealers charge the trenches....

Captain Krunch in single combat with El Broodo...

El Broodo won the day (cheaty bloody Smite), but then had his head blown off by Lt. Fuckanot straight after that.

The Thin Blue Line. Our final game on Day 2 was against Daryl and Faiz. 90 fucking Plaguebearers....

So that's pretty much all she wrote. We didn't finish in the top but we had a blast playing some new 40k with a heap of cool peeps!

Massive thanks to Stan and Corey for running a great event and also a big thanks to all the sponsors!